Roadsafe 4WD Rear Upper Adjustable Control Trailing Arm Pair for Nissan Patrol GQ / GU

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Sale price$176.00 Regular price$189.00



If you Patrol is fitted with a long range fuel tank and you are lifted over 3" you will require a bent upper arm on one side. This pair of arms will give you adjustability on both sides to correct your pinion angle as well as allow the required clearance for your long range tank.

Suits 3" + Lift

Must be fitted with a 100mm bump stop spacer (not included) to maintain correct clearance from arm to chassis. Premature failure will be experienced if the arm is incorrectly and/or an appropriate sized bumpstop spacer is not utilised.

Upper Adjustable Control Arms are used to change the pinion angle. The Roadsafe Adjustable Upper Trailing Arm is an oncar adjustable for that precise fitment. Coupled up with a super fine 1.5mm pitch thread, and over 200mm of adjustability, this arm will suit just about every requirement.

Roadsafe Rear Lower & Upper Trailing Arms are built tough, so when you bump them up against rocks & tough terrain, they won't bend as much as standard arms. You've really got to give these ones a decent smack to get the 5mm wall thickness to buckle in.

Manufactured to factory bush specifications & supplied complete with high flex rubber bushings.


  • Rubber Bushings at both ends
  • 34mm OD Tube
  • 6.5m Wall Thickness



Why upgrade your Trailing Arms?

From genuine the wall thickness of the rear upper and lower trailing arms on the Patrols & Landcruiser are quite thin. You upgrade your trailing arms to increase the wall thickness, and the subsequent strength.

Patrol genuine rear lower trailing arms have a wall thickness of less than 2.5mm. The Roadsafe lower arms are supplied in 5.5mm wall thickness. A massive increase in strength. Refer to image above showing the genuine cross section (left) and Roadsafe cross section (right).

If you have a look under your vehicle, you might see that your rear lower trailing arms are bent (as per image above). This is due to the thin walls, and an upgrade is recommended. Bent lower arms can result in diff pinion breakage.

For lifted vehicles, Rear Lower trailing arms are also available in an extended form to give increased clearance for the rear tyre to the front of the rear guard (basically gets the diff in the factory position in the guard).

Rear Upper trailing arms are also upgraded from standard (with a massive 5.75-6.5mm wall thickness) and available as on-car adjustable to aid in diff pinion angle correction for lifted vehicles.

Why are the upper arms ‘adjustable’?

The upper arms are on-car adjustable purely to allow ease of adjustability when you are endeavouring to set the required length to sort out the diff pinion angle correction.

The Upper arms are ‘shorter’ than the standard factory arms, and adjust shorter (not longer). This pulls the diff back around to replicate more of the factory positioning after a lift.

What is the ‘BENT’ upper adjustable arm for?

The TANP47AB is designed with a bend to allow for clearance of aftermarket long range fuel tanks. If during articulation you hear a bang on the rear of the driver’s side, odds are your RH rear upper trailing arm is fouling on your fuel tank. At full droop the Roadsafe TANP47AB’s bent design provides for clearance of the fuel tank. Recent upgrades now include a greater radius in the bend to allow for better articulation and droop. You can fit the ‘bent’ upper arm alongside a standard upper arm, providing you set the adjustment to replicate the bushing to bushing centre dimensions of the original arm. It is recommended if fitting a ‘bent’ upper arm to also upgrade the other side with Heavy Duty Adjustable, so as to maintain the same ‘strength’ in both upper arms on both sides.

Do I need to use both Extended Lower Arms and Adjustable Upper Arms?

It really is a bag of worms, personal preference and vehicle have a fair bit to do with it. Heavy Duty longer lower arms are the quickest, easiest, price conscious fix to get the pinion angle back within tolerance, and locate the diff in the factory position in the guard.

What Bushings are supplied in the Arms?

In the Patrol & Landcruiser rear upper and lower trailing arms Roadsafe include a high flex rubber bushing as standard. The arms are also available with an alternative Genuine rubber bushing for those customers who are keen on maintaining genuine rubber.


Are the Replacement Trailing Arms ADR Approved?

Under NCOP V3 (VSB14) the replacement trailing arms are street legal. They are a standard replacement item, fitted with no additional modification to the mount points or similar required.

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