Rooftop's Jamieson Licola Adventure Map

RooftopSKU: 9781921886096

Sale price$8.00


Explore the Upper Goulburn, Jamieson & Licola region as you've never seen it before.

Map coverage is from Goughs Bay, Jamieson and the Howqua River in the north to the Upper Thomson, Aberfeldy and Licola in the south. It includes Woods Point, Mount Skene, Alpine National Park, Wellington, Jamieson, Macalister and Thomson Rivers, Connors and Howitt Plains.. Scale is 1:100,000.

The reverse of the map has a 1:50,000 scale enlargement titled 'Sheepyard Flat - Caledonia Valley Forest Activities Map' with contours.

All parks, reserves and state forests are shown and all roads and tracks have been plotted using GPS mapping technology.

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