Rooftop's Marysville Lake Eildon Adventure Map

RooftopSKU: 9781921886126

Sale price$10.00


Explore the Mystic Mountains

Rooftop's first waterproof map


Map coverage is from Mansfield, Bonnie Doon and Merton in the north to Warburton Upper Yarra reservoir and Matlock in the south. It includes Marysville, Lake Mountain, Cathedral Range, Yarra Ranges National Park, Big River, Rubicon, Eildon, Gaffneys Creek, Woods Point and Jamieson. Scale is 1:100,000.

The reverse of the map has enlargements of the Cathedral Range, Marysville Walks, Buxton Mountain bike trails, Marysville rebuild (a fascinating map), and a pictorial guide to what's under Lake Eildon.

All parks, reserves and state forests are shown and all roads and tracks have been plotted using GPS mapping technology.

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