ZCG 4G & 3G Mobile Phone Antenna, Black 6.2 and 3dBi - 1.2m


Sale price$152.00


Australian Made

Detachable 4G & 3G mobile phone antenna, black - 825-960 & 1710-2190MHz, FME female, 30W, 6.2 and 3dBi - 1.2m

Product code: ZN3-SGDB-11B

Product Description

The detachable design of the ZN3-SGDB-11B allows for removal of the radiating antenna in situations where damage or vandalism may occur, or when not in use. The ZN3-SGDB-11B covers all available networks 4G & 3G with 825-960MHz & 1710-2190MHz for mobile phone and wireless data improvement either mounted on your vehicle or in a fixed position at your home or office. The detachable design allows for ease of removal of the radiating section of the antenna for low roofs, possible damage or ease of replacement. ZCG recommend placing the supplied black cap onto the exposed connector of the spring base to ensure no ingression of dust or water into the termination. The ZN3-SGDB-11B is identical in appearance to all of ZCG's ZN3-11B series.

PDF documents for download:
    Brochure [ZN3 SGDB]
    Installation Guide [ZN3-SGDB-11 Series]

Product Specifications

Weight 925grams
Dimensions Height: 1.2m
Construction Black fibreglass radome, detachable aluminium ferrule, stainless steel barrel spring and cable
HEPlane H Plane: 360° omni-directional, E Plane: 32°
Impedance 50 Ohms
Polarisation Vertical
Connector FME female fitted to cable for ease of installation
Frequency All networks 4G & 3G 825-960MHz & 1710-2190MHz
Bandwidth Full frequency ranges stated
Tuning Factory at <1.6:1 VSWR
Gain 6.2 dBi - 825-960MHz and 3 dBi - 1710-2190MHz
Max power 30 Watts

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